Service and Leadership
Our mission of learning for life, living for Christ is evident in our service and leadership opportunities. Each month our homerooms choose one non-profit organization to support through a dress down day. They research the organization and present information and their needs to our school community during morning assembly. We have supported organizations monetarily as well as with items that are needed. Catholic Charities, St. Margaret’s House, Riverbend Cancer Center, St. Vincent de Paul and Southfield Village are just a few organizations we have supported.
St. Jude also has a chapter of Young Vincentians which is a student chapter of St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry. They help organize food drives and our food pantry.
Our middle school students are organized into Houses that are named after a saint. Our Houses have elections with representatives coming from each middle school homeroom and our eighth graders can hold president and vice president positions. The representatives, president and vice president meet regularly with the administration planning events such as Catholic Schools Week. They also help lead morning assembly prayer and announcements.
Our students have grade level buddies that allow our older students to mentor our younger students. The buddies meet monthly for an activity, field trip or sit together at Mass. It is a great way to build community among grade levels.
At our weekly all school Mass, one student from each homeroom is recognized as a Saint of the Week. This student is recognized and receives a blessing at Mass for living out their Catholic faith and our St. Jude Way.